Study trip to Assisi, Nocera Umbra, Sellano
The reconstruction after the recent earthquakes in Umbria 1997
March 17 -18, 2001

Bell tower of Basilica S. Francesco, Assisi, March 2001.

Damages in Sellano due to 1997 earthquake.
The students of the Postgraduate Course “Application of Quality Systems in the Building Heritage Restoration“, directed by Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou, and students of Postgraduate Specialization Course “History, Analysis, Evaluation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage” of the University of Florence, directed by Prof. Carlo Cresti, participate in the visit.
For more information please contact CICOP Secretariat, c/o PMPE, Via S. Niccolò 89a, 50125 Florence
Tel. 055 2491527
Fax 055 2491527