(In alphabetical order)

Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou, University of Florence, President of CICOP Italy and CICOP Net
An urban area for multicultural cemeteries in Rhodes, Greece: from the Hellenistic era to today”

Dott. Walid Bouchnaf, Islamic-Italian Confederation
“The importance of death according to traditional Muslim spirituality and its translation into funerary works”

Arch. Luciana Capaccioli
“Le città e i loro luoghi di sepoltura”
(“Cities and their burial sites”)

Prof. Arch. Roberto Corazzi, University of Florence, CICOP Italy
Cemeteries system in Florence

Prof. Ing. Arch. Maurizio di Stefano, President Emeritus ICOMOS Italia
“Valori tangibili e intangibili dei luoghi cimiteriali”
(“Tangible and intangible values of cemetery sites”)

Prof. Galila El Kadi, Institut de Recherche pour le Development Cairo, Egypt
The cities of the dead in Egypt: Cairo medieval Necropolis

Arch. Lucio Fontana, Public Works and Historic Buildings of Modena Municipality, CICOP Italy
Minor cemeteries of great authors: project and state of conservation

Arch. Renzo Funaro, President of Association “Opera del Tempio Ebraico di Firenze”
Restoration of the Jewish monumental cemetery of Florence

Prof. Arch. Grazia Gobbi Sica, University of Florence, President Association “Amici degli Allori”
“Il cimitero evangelico agli Allori di Firenze, storia e prospettive”
(“The Evangelical cemetery Agli Allori of Florence, history and perspectives”)

Prof. Arch. Ezio Godoli, University of Florence, CICOP Italy
“Evocations of Pharaonic Egypt in Italian funerary architecture between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”

Dr. Ayat Helmihy, ANPIEMED Italo-Egyptian no profit cultural Association , Alessandria, Egypt, President of CICOP Egypt
Anonymous narratives of a multicultural city: The Latin cemetery of Alexandria- case study

Dr. Arch. Hanaa Moosa, Assist. Prof. at the Higher Institute of Engineering at El-Shorouk, Egypt, CICOP Egypt
“The living city of the dead”

Dr. Francesca Paoletti, Presidente Onorario del Cimitero Evangelico “Agli Allori” di Firenze
“141 anni di accoglienza non solo delle minoranze”
(“141 years witnessing a welcome policy not only for minorities”)

Prof. Ing. George Penelis, Professor Emeritus Aristoteleion University Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece
“Monastery of Saint George and the Greek Cemetery in Old Cairo. Restoration of the Church and the Roman tower underneath”

Prof. Ahmed Saadaoui, Director of Maghreb Laboratory of Archeology and Architecture, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities, University of Manouba, Tunisia
“L’art funéraire dans les régences maghrébines de l’Empire ottoman comme élément d’identité de la communauté ottomane”
(“Funerary art in the Maghreb regencies of the Ottoman Empire as an identity element of the Ottoman community”)

Prof. Lucia Tonini, Università degli Studi di Napoli
“Sepolture russe al cimitero degli Allori”
(“Russian burials at the cemetery of the Allori”)

Prof. Arch. Corinna Vasic, University of Florence
The enlargement of the cemetery of Montecatini alto: an opportunity for comparison between Leonardo savioli and Leonardo Ricci

Prof. Ing. Stefano Zagnoni, University of Udine
Military cemeteries and monumental ossuaries of the First World War

Dr. Franco Zerruso, Cooperative society “Novelune”
The management of archaeological sites in Taranto: areas of necropolis and underground chambers tomb