CICOP Italia ONLUS (International Center for the Conservation of the Architectural Heritage, Italy) with the support of CICOP Net Confederation and BRAU (Biennial of Architectural and Restoration)
organizes the
3rd International Conference on Monumental & Multicultural Cemeteries
Knowledge, Conservation & Reuse, Restyling & Innovation
23-28 April, 2019
Turin (Italy), 23-24 April, 2019 – Castello del Valentino, Salone d’Onore del Politecnico
Florence (Italy), 26-28 April, 2019 – Biblioteca delle Oblate

Attending the conference as a spectator is free and registration is not required.
Honorary President: Dr Mounir Bouchenaki, advisor at UNESCO and the Kingdom of Bahrain on cultural heritage
Conference Chairpersons: Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou (University of Florence, CICOP Italy) and Prof. Galila El Kadi (Institut de Recherche pour le Development, Cairo, Egypt)
MMC3 Proceedings
Conference Topics
Scientific Committee
Invited Speakers
Collateral Events (to participate in visits and guided tours registration is required):
- Tuesday 23 April: Visit to the Chapel of the Shroud (Cappella della Sindone), Royal Museums, Turin (person in charge Dr. Pagella, Musei Reali).
- Wednesday 24 April, 10.00-11.30: Guided Tour to the Monumental Cemetary of Turin.
- Saturday 27 April, 15.00-18.00: Guided tours to Chiesa di Santa Croce, with the licensed tour guide Arch. Enrico Bartocci, in italian and english.
- Sunday 28 April, 10.00-12.00: Guided tour of the Jewish Monumental Cemetery of Florence, with the presence of Arch. Renzo Funaro, President of Association “Opera del Tempio Ebraico di Firenze”.
- Presentation of the book “The burial sites in Taranto: necropolis, chamber tombs and funerary hypogea from the archaic period to the early christian era”, by Arch. Donato Cosenza, published by CICOP Italia.
How to participate
Paper and poster instructions
Sponsorship opportunities

The MMC3 Organizing Committee would like to thank the following contributors for their support