7a Conferenza Internazionale su
11–13 settembre 2001, Nottingham-Trent University Campus, United Kingdom

Nottingham castle, United Kingdom.
La conferenza si terrà presso il Nottingham Trent University Campus, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Il CICOP Italia organizza in seno al Congresso una sessione speciale intitolata:
con sottotemi:
- Tecniche di riparazione e rinforzo di costruzioni in muratura;
- Restauro dell’edilizia residenziale;
- Pianificazione urbanistica e architettonica in aree sismiche;
- Prevenzione e protezione dal rischio sismico dei monumenti storici e architettonici;
- L’importanza degli aspetti non-strutturali nel restauro degli edifici esistenti;
- Garanzia di qualità degli interventi;
- Gestione del patrimonio culturale;
- Patrimonio culturale e turismo;
- Strumenti del processo decisionale;
- Norme e standard;
- Il progetto di ricerca diagnostica.
Per informazioni:
Segreteria CICOP: Tel. 055 2491527, Fax 055 2491523, e-mail: cicop@comune.firenze.it
Altre informazioni utili (in inglese) per chi volesse partecipare:
CI-Premier Pte Ltd, 150 Orchard Road #07-14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore 238841
Tel: (065) 733-2922 Fax: (065) 235-3530 E-mail: cipremie@singnet.com.sg
Conference Update:
Over 120 papers from some 37 countries have been received for the Conference.
Keynote Papers (so far been confirmed) by:
Mr Brian Clancy, Institution of Structural Engineers, UK
Mr Vic Handley. Van Elle, United Kingdom
A/Prof Chan Ghee Koh, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Mr Kuang Y Lim, Sverdrup Civil, Inc USA
Prof M S Mirza, McGill UniversityCanada-
Mr R N Raikar, Structwel Designers & Consultants Pvt Ltd, India
Prof. Nina Avramidou, CICOP Italy
Special Sessions confirmed to be organized
Special Session on “Repair/Retrofitting of Bridges under earthquake damages”
Chairman: Dr C C CHANG, Sverdrup Consultants, USA
Topics and Authors:
“Seismic retrofit of the Golden Gate Bridge South pylons” by K Y Lim*, E Z Bauer, M C Giacomini, R C Jee, M Young and D K Gee
“Seismic retrofit of the Golden Gate Bridge South approach viaduct” by K Y Lim*, E Z Bauer, M C Giacomini, R C Jee, M Young and D K Gee
“Seismic pile-soil structure interaction for a bridge retrofit project” by S Nikolaou*, P Deming and G Mylonakis
“Seismic retrofit of a vertical lift highway bridge” by R Stamm, D Marcic* and H E Drugge
“Perfomance based seismic retrofit design of the Benicia-Martinez Bridge” by W D Liu*, R A Imbsen and M Amini
“Retrofit/Repairs of a damage bridge for seismic loading” by H Y Chang, H Y Chua* and Z L Moh
“Seismic retrofit of the Vincent Thomas Suspension Bridge Los Angeles, USA” by G Baker*
Special Session on “Structural Health Monitoring”
Chairman: A/Prof C G Koh, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Topics and Authors:
“The classification of damaged/repaired bridge beams using vibration signatures” by J S Owen*, S R Pearson, C M Tan and B S Choo
Special Session on “Architectural Design and Construction Experience”
Chairperson: Prof. Nina Avramidou, International Center for the Rehabilitation of the Architectural Heritage, University of Florence, Italy
Confirmed Key-note lectures:
Prof. Luigia Binda Mayer
Prof. Claudio Modena
Prof. Andrea Vignoli
Prof. Sandro Chiostrini
Prof. Vito Renda
Prof. Carlotta Fontana
Prof. Valerio Di Battista
Eng. Maurizio Leggeri
Other Special Sessions include Prof Katsuki Takiguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan on “Repair and strengthening of exisisting RC structures”
150 Orchard Road #07-14, Orchard Plaza
Singapore 238841
Tel: 65-733-2922 / Fax: 65-235-3530
EM: cipremie@singnet.com.sg
Special Sessions form a very important part of international conferences. These Special Sessions give special emphasis on certain topics within the scope of the Conference Theme.
A SPECIAL SESSION ORGANISER would be responsible to ‘source’ a minimum of three (3) other papers/speakers to make the Session.
The Organiser may present a paper himself and he will be accorded the status of the LEAD SPEAKER (30 mins) of the Special Session and he will also CHAIR the Session to introduce the other speakers, and lead in the discussion..
Some of the guidelines for SPSE-ORGANISERS.
The Organiser determines (in consultation with the Conference Committee) the TOPIC or TITLE of the Special Session.
A special session should have a minimun of three or more speakers (papers) and these papers should be presented at the Conference. Each paper will be given about 15-20 minutes for oral presentation at the Conference.
Upon a confirmation from the ORGANISER of a paper (title and abstract) for the Special Session, with the details of the corresponding author of the paper should be given to the Secretariat:
-for a review by the Conference Committee so that the letter of acceptance can beissued
-to follow-up with information, update of the Conference
-to provide the format guidelines to prepare their texts
-etc etc etc
Should there be papers received in the general submissions that may be appropriate to the special session theme, the ORGANISER shall be given the abstract to review and accept or reject for his Session.
Due to the limited financial budget of the Conference, all special session speakers are required to pay the appropriate registration fee of the Conference (550 US$).
Issued by the Conference Director Er John S Y Tan