Brief CV of Evi Karyda

Evi Karyda graduated the Department of History of the University of Cyprus. Then, she continued her studies at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, where she received her M.A. in Greek and Roman Archaeology.

She has worked at the Cyprus Architectural Heritage Organisation (NGO that deals with cultural heritage), as a scientific collaborator (coordinating EU and local projects, funds applications, involved in documentation and presentation of cultural heritage). For three years (2008-2012) she worked as a Librarian at the Cyprus Archaeological Research Institute. There, she worked close to academics and students, helping the researchers and following the academic publications. Additionally, she was the Programme Co-ordinator, namely responsible for all the events organised by the Institute. Finally, from 2012 to 2015 she was the principal researcher of the programme “Sailing in Cyprus through the centuries: an interdisciplinary approach”, a programme funded by the Research Promotion Foundation under the National Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2009-2010. As a researcher, she undertook bibliographical and ethnoarchaeological research, Database management, GIS technology and field work. Currently, she works at the Department of Antiquities, at the Cyprus Archaeological Digitization Project (CADiP). She is responsible for digitising 4000 movable antiquities, 1000 objects from a lost due to the Turkish Invention in 1974 private collection, and 3000 objects from the storerooms of the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia, as entered in the Cyprus Museum Inventory.

During the last years, she participated in archaeological projects, both on land and underwater. Apart from the field work conducted in the framework of the research programme “Sailing in Cyprus through the centuries: an interdisciplinary approach”, she took part in “Mazotos shipwreck Project”, “Tochni Lakkia Underwater Survey “, “Xylophagou Anchorage Project”, “ Aktrotiri Kiti – Underwater Archaeological Project” and in “Akrotiri – Dreamer’s Bay Underwater Archaeological Project”.

She has also participated in a number of educational projects. The latest one was the “Maritime Outreach Bus Cyprus” organised by the Maritime Archaeology Trust (MAT), the Maritime Archaeology Stewardship Trust (MAST) and the Maritime Archaeology Research Laboratory (MARELab), University of Cyprus. The educational project aimed to communicate the importance of maritime cultural heritage to the children and the general public.